Course curriculum

    1. Day 1 - Introduction, Causes of disorders

    2. Day 1 - Causes of disorders

    3. Day 1 afternoon

    4. Day 1 Afternoon

    1. Day 2 morning 9 purification breathing and ways of disorder ripening

    2. Day 2-morning places of infections for 3 nyepas

    3. Day 2 Chapter 11 Sympstoms

    4. Day 2 afternoon disorders due to excess of things

    5. Day 2 disorders due to deficiencies

    1. Day 2 disorders due to deficiencies

    2. Day 3 Symptoms of disturbed tripa

    3. Day 3 Clasification of disorders

    1. Day1 Body points morning session 1

    2. Day 4 session 2 back body points

    3. Day 4 back of body part 2

    4. Day 4 Head points

    1. Day 5 body point head and ear

    2. Day 5 - Face points

    3. Day 5 front body points

About this course

  • €250,00
  • 20 lessons
  • 24.5 hours of video content

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